Donate to Sarah Margulies' Campaign

To contribute by check, please make out a check to Sarah Margulies and mail to:
P.O. Box #3
Larkspur, CA 94977
Please note in the check memo: Sarah4Larkspur 2024
Please help me win by making a contribution to support and elect Sarah Margulies to Larkspur City Council. I am grateful for your donation in any amount.
Winning this election will require outreach to as many Larkspur residents as possible. I will run a lean campaign, relying on volunteers and utilizing digital and online methods when possible to minimize waste and carbon impact.
Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. I can accept contributions of up to $5500 from individuals and businesses.
Individuals may make separate contributions from a joint checking account. For reporting purposes, the full amount of the contribution is reported as coming from the individual who signs the check. If two or more individuals sign the check, the contribution is divided equally between the signers, unless there is an accompanying document signed by each individual whose name is printed on the check that clearly indicates a different apportionment.
Your Vote Matters!

Join us in making a difference for Larkspur. Your vote for Sarah ensures a brighter future for our community, preserving its charm and enhancing its potential. Stand with us to promote safety, inclusivity, and progress. Together, we can achieve great things.